During the last big market downturn, retirees who had ALL their assets in equities saw their nest egg shrink by almost 35% over a 12 month period.
As a general rule, it is unwise for a retiree to have 100% of their assets in equities at any time. But figuring out what that percentage should be takes a lot of personal investigation into each person’s risk tolerance and investment objectives.
Can you generate sufficient income without drawing down on your principal? What is the best way to generate income without taking excessive risks?
A financial advisor can help you figure out what level of risk is suitable for you.
Even the best captains have an entire crew to help them run the ship. Your financial adviser can be your first mate, peering through the binoculars to scan the horizon for obstacles that can sink the ship.
Who will you choose to help you navigate the voyage of retirement?
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