Specializing in Estate Planning for Retirees

Specializing in Estate Planning for Retirees

If you are retired and wondering about the next stage of your financial strategy then contact our office for a free consultation.

Specializing in Retirement Planning

Specializing in Retirement Planning

We help individuals and families navigate all the various decisions surrounding a successful retirement plan.  We are dedicated to seeing each of our client realize their retirement dreams.

Latest Articles

  • Diversification is Key

    Jul 08, 2024

    As with many retirement savers, it took two major stock market events (Global Financial Crisis, Global Pandemic) to convince Adam and Sonya that trying to 'time the market' or pick specific sectors was a costly exercise in futility. But, with the...

  • Financial Strategies & Divorce

    Jul 08, 2024

    History tells us about half of marriages in Canada end in divorce. Andrew and Sara are about to end theirs and are concerned about the changes that will have to be made to their financial and estate plans. Some financial and estate issues they need...

  • Estimating Retirement Expenses

    Jul 08, 2024

    By far one of the most crucial financial strategy steps is accurately estimating retirement expenses. Correctly accounting for retirement living expenses is critical to ensuring that retirees do not outlive their money. For those already retired...

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